CFM Files
Share data across your teams

With CFM Files you can keep all your relevant data in one place and make it centrally available to all your employees. Whether images, videos, audio or text files, simply upload your data to CFM Files and make it available to colleagues – regardless of time or location.
Easily share files across your teams or even with external partners.
Whether images, videos, audio or text files, simply upload your data to CFM Files.
All your files are centrally available regardless of location.
Structure and share data
It is also possible to make specific files available for external partners through CFM Partner Portal, easing collaboration and exchange of information. To enhance clarity you can structure your files using folders or by simply using categories. By creating templates, you also have the option to predefine folder structures for vessels or specific vessel types, enhancing data consistency.

Version history
In conjunction with a highly detailed search function, you can access the data you need within seconds. To prevent loss of any data, it is possible to either work with multiple versions of a file or to determine that all files should only be archived instead of deleted. Giving you the certainty that no information will ever be lost and the option to review any file at any time.

Key features
- Previews of all PDF files and images for a fast overview
- Option to share specific files with external partners
- Detailed search functionality for swift access to data
- Option to manage files that are available in CFM Crew Portal