CFM Event Reporting
Gain real insights into the performance of your fleet

Make the most of your data and gain real insights into the performance of your fleet by monitoring a wide variety of key figures. To make this as easy as possible we present CFM Event Reporting. By monitoring reports about times of arrival and departure, the begin and end of sea passage (BOSP/EOSP), bunker consumptions, times of anchorage or lay-up as well as noon reports, CFM Event Reporting lets you see the big picture of your fleet – enabling you to conduct further analyses.
Detailed insights into the performance of your fleet.
Easily calculate KPIs such as EEOI or SEEMP.
CFM MRV and IMO DCS is automatically filled by CFM Event Reporting to avoid additional effort.
Comprehensive reports
Uniform reporting for all vessels of your fleet with more than 100 distinct validation rules and customisable mandatory fields. Make sure that you have reliable information at hand to monitor the efficiency of your fleet and increase it sustainably. Due to automatic data validation, you gain full control over your procedures, minimise the risk of faulty user inputs and increase the quality of your reports.

Insights always in sight
All relevant data from CFM Event Reporting is always displayed in CFM Portal or can be shared with third parties via CFM Partner Portal. All reports can be monitored and re-opened for on board corrections if needed or exported to analyse your fleet performance within your own business intelligence setup.
Our MRV and IMO DCS application is automatically fed by CFM Event Reporting, avoiding additional effort and possible errors caused by duplicate data entries.

Key features
- Detailed insights into the performance of your fleet
- Detection of improvement needs
- Easy calculation of KPIs such as EEOI or SEEMP
- Simple compliance with EU MRV and IMO DCS
- Complete digital capturing of all data
- More than 100 validation rules
- Option to add validation rules on demand