February 14, 2022

Notifications - always up to date

We want to let our customers focus on their core tasks, without the need to constantly check for updates.

By Maximilian Hagemann

Notifications - always up to date

Your time is valuable, treat it that way

Shipping never stands still and in a shipping company, there is constant activity – around the clock. To keep up with everything and to make sure that no relevant information goes unnoticed means that you must proactively check for updates all the time. Be this by checking your software, picking up the phone or writing follow-up emails. This all takes away valuable time that could be used for more important activities. We want to let our customers focus on their core tasks, without the need to constantly check if anything important happened. To make this possible, we implemented various options to notify users of Cloud Fleet Manager (CFM) about relevant activities in the system.

Are you still checking your system or is the system telling you?

Nothing is more frustrating than constantly having to check for information, especially if nothing new comes up. Thanks to CFM, this is a thing of the past. Customisable notifications let you take back control and focus on your work without the need to check if something has happened – the system will automatically let you know.

To personalise your experience exactly to your needs we are offering three different ways to receive your notifications:

  • Directly in Cloud Fleet Manager, regardless of which module you are in. At the top right on the “Me” tile, you will see an indicator that there is news for you.
  • For times when you are not actively using the system, you can also receive your notifications via email – conveniently delivered directly to your inbox.
  • To keep you up to date even on the move you can also enable notifications in our mobile management app “CFM Go”. This way, you will receive a push notification on your smartphone if something comes up.

Simply pick and choose the way you would prefer to get notified. (Of course, you can also select all different options.)

Gain back time bit by bit

Thanks to notifications you can not only be sure that you won’t miss any important information but are also able to gain back valuable time that would have been used looking for news. It may not seem a lot at first but coupled with a variety of additional smart features and core-functionality of Cloud Fleet Manager, you will gain back valuable time. By centrally providing information for all involved parties regardless of time or location and by removing the need to write emails or ask colleagues for data, Cloud Fleet Manager makes sure that you can focus on what’s essential.

We’re now part of Lloyd's Register.