October 23, 2022

New languages introduced to Cloud Ship Manager

Offering our on-board software in multiple languages makes daily operations at sea even easier and quicker.

By Maximilian Hagemann

New languages introduced to Cloud Ship Manager

We are happy to announce that we have updated our system once again to make daily operations on board even easier and quicker for shipping companies. Our on-board software Cloud Ship Manager (CSM) is now available in multiple languages.

In addition to English, the app is now also available in German and Spanish. We are also planning to add French, Romanian, Dutch and other languages next year.

Cloud Ship Manager, the on-board part of Cloud Fleet Manager, enables crews and masters at sea to manage a multitude of on-board operational and management processes while continuously exchanging information with the office. For instance, adding payroll information, working and rest hours in line with regulations and planning crew accommodation, as well as entering data relating to purchasing, maintenance, inspections, scheduling, and other procedures.

As soon as the data is entered and synchronised it is automatically available in the office and can be accessed immediately by all relevant personnel. The software can also be used offline with data being synchronised with the office when the fleet next has an internet connection. This way, crews can always work productively even when there is no data connection available.

Reflecting the multinational and diverse nature of the maritime industry

Alexander Buchmann, Managing Director, Hanseaticsoft said, “We recognise that shipping crews are made up of people from all over the world. By introducing multiple languages to reflect the multinational and diverse nature of the maritime shipping industry, we are making it even easier for crew to use our app. Being able to use the system in the language of choice not only increases ease of use, but simultaneously decreases the risk for errors – leading to higher quality of data.

“The use of modern technologies and cloud computing is revolutionising how companies operate these days, simplifying daily tasks, reducing complexity and ultimately saving time and cutting costs. Now crew can use our app in the language of their choice which will further increase usability and speed up operations and data sharing between land and staff based at sea.”

We’re now part of Lloyd's Register.