October 02, 2022

CFM Updates - September 2022

This month we added 17 new features and 26 enhancements to CFM. We present our highlights of September.

By Maximilian Hagemann

CFM Updates - September 2022

We are continuously upgrading Cloud Fleet Manager, adding new functionality, enhancements and improving the overall usability. With this article, we would like to give you a brief overview of some of the edits to the system. For a comprehensive overview of all changes, you can visit the “What’s New” report in Cloud Fleet Manager at any time to see what exactly happened in each of our modules. After the summer break, we primarily focussed on smaller features and enhancements as well as to prepare for further major innovations in the coming months.

New features and enhancements

CFM Certificates ensures that you all your necessary certificates are up to date and this way, that your vessels are seaworthy. It provides you with various options for the setup of certificate types, such as pre-warning periods, categorization on the revalidation (on expiry, annual or intermediate surveys), the definition of port- or flag-state requirements, or the assignment of responsibilities.

  • The settings were extended with a checkbox that now allows you to enable an ‘Attachment Missing Warning’ for certificates. When this checkbox is selected the certificate attachment displays as missing including the purple color-coded indicator. This new feature further increases clarity and makes sure that you won’t miss any relevant information.

CFM Crewing is your one-stop solution to handle all crew-related tasks centrally and in an intuitive way. From master data management of seafarers, planning the crews on board as well as their relief, the management of working and rest hours of the crew up to managing payrolls, everything can be done in one single solution.

  • A dedicated GDPR subtab was added to the settings. This provides you with access to the lists for ‘Storage Periods’ and 'Automatic Data Cleansing’.

  • The ‘Reports’ tab layout was slightly rearranged and now provides a report’s description via a dedicated tooltip.

  • Crewing reports were renamed, and their description is now consistently available in a dedicated info icon.

CFM Employees makes all staff information visible and accurate. Simply organise your staff within departments, define regular working days and hours, vacation entitlement, job description and contact details. Manage holidays, travels, and any other absence of your employees within a single view.

  • As mobile working is now an integral part for many companies, we have simplified absence management, accelerating the whole process. A new list "Recurring Absences" was added. This allows your HR department to set up recurring absences, such as "Remote Work" on employee profile level. This removes the need to manually enter these absences each time for periods that have been previously agreed on.

CFM Inspections & Audits lets you easily prepare and manage pending inspections. With extensive planning features and the option to create templates for your questionnaires, CFM Inspections & Audits makes sure that you are always best prepared for upcoming inspections and have a complete overview of all tasks.

  • Reports can now be marked as ‘Flag State Inspection‘ directly on board, removing the need to define this in the office.

CFM Purchase provides you with all sections of the purchasing process at one point in an intelligently structured manner, gives you full control over your budgets and allows your suppliers to work directly with this information. Thanks to an intuitive dashboard that features the most relevant information and upcoming tasks, CFM Purchase always focuses on what is important and streamlines the complete purchasing workflow.

  • The search function in the main navigation bar was extended. It now includes checkboxes to search for information, such as inquiries, orders, or deliveries. This way you will receive the data you are looking for even faster and more convenient.

  • Several measures were introduced to improve the overall performance and response time.

CFM Schedules & Agents enables you to organise your fleet’s schedules and agent master-data in one shared resource and let your crew take part in schedule management. Schedules, as well as agent’s master data, can be directly entered on board and synchronised with the office, making the information automatically accessible in the Portal, Partner Portal and in your mobile app.

  • Changes that are applied on board to an existing ISPS Level will not be retrospectively applied to ensure the accuracy of historic data. In addition, an existing ISPS entry remains editable only for office users.

CFM Templates is the collection of all your templates. Hamper differences in layouts and simplify the understanding on both your customers’ and your side. We offer you all templates for the respective departments of your company. Whether employment contracts, order forms, voyage or time charter invoices, vacation requests or generic forms: With CFM Templates you are all geared up.

  • To further enhance usability and reusability, users can now edit names of existing templates.
We’re now part of Lloyd's Register.