August 05, 2022

CFM Updates - July 2022

This month we added 17 new features and 34 enhancements to CFM. In this article, we present our highlights of July.

By Maximilian Hagemann

CFM Updates - July 2022

We are continuously upgrading Cloud Fleet Manager, adding new functionality, enhancements and improving the overall usability. With this article, we would like to give you a brief overview of some of the greater edits to the system. For a comprehensive overview of all changes, you can visit the “What’s New” report in Cloud Fleet Manager at any time to see what exactly happened in each of our modules.

New features and enhancements

CFM Crewing is your one-stop solution to handle all crew-related tasks centrally and in an intuitive way. From master data management of seafarers, planning the crews on board as well as their relief, the management of working and rest hours of the crew up to managing payrolls, everything can be done in one single solution.

  • The Grouped Crew Changes List now indicates whether a related schedule is cancelled or if the affected seafarers' sign-on or sign-off dates are not matching the given ETA/ETD range. This empowers you to effortlessly identify such issues and initiate appropriate measures.

  • You can now perform a crew changeover within the crew change view. This no longer requires you to navigate back and forth to respective views resulting in a streamlined workflow.

  • The Crew Change API was extended and can now also return the Schedule ID of the assigned port of a crew change.
  • A seafarer can now have multiple 'Nearest Airports'. This provides the responsible team for flight booking with alternatives in case the initial airport has no flights available, or the available flights are too expensive. This results in a much more convenient process in case of problems with the flight booking.
  • New API endpoints were recently added. Those endpoints allow you to create, edit and delete additional earnings, respectively deductions from an external source. Those positions are from now on prevented from being edited manually. This allows users to ensure that no manual changes are applied and edits are instead solely controlled from your external source.
  • The Rest Hours of a specific month and year can now be exported in bulk for all current seafarers on board. Thus, users are no longer required to create an export for each individual seafarer.
  • A duplicate check functionality was implemented when a non-crew record is created. The record is validated against surname, first name and date of birth. Hence, you can now quickly determine whether the non-crew record already exists since the necessary information for validation was tremendously reduced.
  • An info icon was added to the Payroll Dashboard. This provides an explanation concerning the applied color-coding as well as which conditions apply to change a color-code.
  • The Officer Matrix is from now on available for all vessel types. Though, export to Q88 and OCIMF are only available to vessels that are marked as tankers in CFM Vessel Particulars.

CFM Employees makes all staff information visible and accurate. Simply organise your staff within departments, define regular working days and hours, vacation entitlement, job description and contact details. Manage holidays, travels and any other absence of your employees within a single view.

  • We added the new list "Recurring Absences", allowing your HR department to set up recurring absences, such as "Remote Work" on an individual employee profile level. With ease, you can now define on which full or half working days of a week an employee is e. g. working from home, whether this is on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly interval and how long in advance those absences shall be pre-generated. You can even define multiple records with different working days and intervals.

CFM Go makes sure that you won't miss any important event and enables you to access all data from CFM Portal comfortably on the move using your smartphone. Always be aware of recent activities, immediately gain insights into the statuses of your vessels, news of the fleet or access any other information from the Portal.

  • You can now effortlessly download Disturbance Reports. CFM Go users can conveniently access all available information with their smartphone.

CFM Maintenance allows you to plan your maintenance work centrally, precisely and according to your requirements. It gives you full visibility of your fleet status and lets you regain control over the maintenance jobs of your fleet.

  • In the event that a manufacturer is deleted, all existing references are automatically set to "Unknown" to prevent the existence of records without references, which can often lead to synchronisation problems.

CFM Purchase provides you with all sections of the purchasing process at one point in an intelligently structured manner, gives you full control over your budgets and allows your suppliers to work directly with this information. Thanks to an intuitive dashboard that features the most relevant information and upcoming tasks, CFM Purchase always focuses on what is important and streamlines the complete purchasing workflow.

  • With the new reworked "Copy requisition"-window you are now able to select which of your attachments you want to copy into the new requisition to save even more time.
We’re now part of Lloyd's Register.