December 22, 2022

As 2022 draws to a close

We look back at an exciting year and forward to a great 2023.

By Maximilian Hagemann

As 2022 draws to a close

As 2022 draws to a close, we look back at an exciting year and forward to a great 2023.

High confidence in the shipping industry

Even though our industry is still recovering from the impact the covid pandemic had and while the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has brought up new challenges for global shipping, it is relieving to see that overall confidence in shipping still is high. According to professional service company BDO’s “Shipping Confidence Survey” from August, overall confidence is rated at 6,8/10 from a 7,2/10 in February which was an all-time high. We hope to see this ongoing trend of raising confidence levels in our industry continuing in the next year.

Events are coming back

After several years in which events were cancelled or delayed or could only take place online, we were very happy to be able to take part in several events once again in person. Next to our participation in Donsö Shipping Meet, Posidonia, Crew Connect Global and several Smart Maritime Network events, SMM Hamburg was a special highlight to us.

Hanseaticsoft booth at SMM 2022
Hanseaticsoft booth at SMM 2022

Being postponed from 2020 to 2021, ultimately being cancelled and finally taking place again this year, we were thrilled to once again present Cloud Fleet Manager to the public in our hometown. It was great seeing so many of our partners and clients but also many new prospects in person and we are looking forward to meeting you all again in 2023.

LR Product Summit – Maritime’s digital future

Following LR’s recent acquisition of OneOcean, this September we took part in the LR Product Summit.

LR Product Summit
LR Product Summit

Here we got to know our new colleagues from OneOcean, caught up with already familiar colleagues and friends from Lloyd's Register and i4 Insight and discussed the digital future of the maritime industry. Just after a short time and presentations of our different solutions, we identified huge potential for future collaboration. We have a lot of exciting new ideas and developments in store for you within the next months, so be sure to keep an eye on all our social media channels.

A successful year

Last but not least, we are thrilled about the continued success we were able to celebrate this year. A total of 18 new clients selected Cloud Fleet Manager to manage their ships. We are especially happy, that an increasing number of companies from all around the globe realise the benefits that our solution has to offer with new clients being among others based in Singapore, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, U.A.E., Cyprus, India and Taiwan. A total of 170 additional vessels are now managed using Cloud Fleet Manager.

Merry Christmas

We look forward to all the exciting news, events and emerging technologies that 2023 has in store for us. We thank all our great clients and partners and once again wish you, your family and loved ones a Merry Christmas, a joyful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

We’re now part of Lloyd's Register.